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Ethics Policy

Ethical Code of Conduct

Vengreen Solutions has an established set of general work rules to protect both the interests of the employee and the company. These rules are intended to ensure a favourable working environment and the list of rules serves as a guideline and is not all-inclusive. Failure to abide by these rules may result in disciplinary action being taken by Vengreen Solutions in line with the Disciplinary Procedure documented in Staff Handbook.

The aim of this policy is to build and sustain Vengreen Solutions with a positive work culture by ensuring that we:

  • have a clear unambiguous purpose, expressed as a simple ‘big idea’, an idea which all employees relate to closely and are proud to discuss with friends and colleagues.
  • have an atmosphere of confidence, where all employees are interested in each other, support each other and project this confidence towards clients and customers.
  • where employees behave respectfully towards each other, value each other’s views and opinions, work in teams which are places of mutual support, where anything is debated without a hint of humiliation, where the critique of individual and team work is welcomed, discussed and where lessons are learnt and implemented.
  • where employees ‘go the extra mile’ by providing unsolicited ideas, thoughts and stimuli to one another , and where their interest in their customers offers something more than is expected, beyond courtesy, and beyond service, offering attentiveness and personal interest.
  • provide challenges for employees which provide opportunities for personal development through new experiences, and which treat everyone with fairness and understanding.
  • have employees who are personally driven towards organisation and personal success – intellectually, financially, socially and emotionally.


Employees of Vengreen Solutions are expected to:

  • perform work assigned to them and carry out the instructions of anyone in Management.
  • perform work with care and diligence.
  • have good attendance and timekeeping.
  • pay attention to the job and make good use of time.
  • observe proper work schedules and restrict personal work to personal time.
  • maintain accurate and true records.
  • be honest.
  • ensure as far as possible that business phones are used for business use. Where a personal call is necessary, ensure that the call is brief.
  • personal incoming calls should be kept to a minimum and only accepted in cases of emergency.
  • keep company information confidential.
  • use language and behaviour that is respectful and polite to clients and to fellow employees.
  • behave in a manner that observes the company’s equal opportunities policy.
  • be careful and considerate when using the property of the company or fellow employees and only where authorisation for such use has been given.
  • comply with the company’s Alcohol and Drug Policy.
  • dress in a professional manner.
  • comply with all Company Policies, Procedures, Rules and Regulations.