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Kubernetes Consulting

Kubernetes — Go faster with lower risk while cutting operating costs.  Vengreen can help you build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private, and hybrid clouds.  After deployment, our Day 2 services can support your environment with ongoing operational managed services.

Why choose Kubernetes?

Modern IT systems need to be flexible, both in operations and deployment. As micro-services have emerged as the preferred way to deliver on these requirements, containerisation has become the best choice of technology to accelerate development and deployment. The wide range of features Kubernetes provides will enhance your application performance, tolerance to failure and developer productivity.
Vengreen supports companies throughout their transition to a Kubernetes based infrastructure and deployments. From consulting through to the initial build, containerisation, production deployment and ongoing support and management. We can manage your Kubernetes deployments on any choice of infrastructure: public cloud, private cloud and on-premises.

Performance and availability

Further performance gains can be made using Kubernetes self-healing abilities to identify failures and automatically deploy replacement containers. Similarly, the Kubernetes orchestration engine can route and balance traffic to maintain optimal application performance.

Multi-cloud environment

Kubernetes also plays an important role in the multi-cloud environment, creating a fully transferrable container that can be used in any of the major services (AWS, Azure, GCP). The transition can be made immediately with minimal code changes or updates.

Flexibility and scalability

Containerised applications are designed to scale quickly by deploying new containers as demand increases. When demand falls, those additional containers are destroyed. Kubernetes automates scaling, improves fault tolerance and facilitates communication across a cluster of pods for maximum performance.

Our Consulting services

We will assess your strategic goals and design Kubernetes services and applications to assist.


High Availability Design
Enterprise Systems Integration
Security Design
Multi-Cloud design
Deployment and Monitoring


Build & Deployment automation
Application Modernisation
Integration with legacy systems
Containerisation and security of applications
Continuous Deployment

This is just a snapshot of what we do.

To learn more about Kubernetes and how Vengreen can help you get the most from containerisation technologies, please get in touch.